Kabul PRT Working Group
ESC – 29 January 2009
The ESC was finally held on 29th January 2009 after 18 months of inactivity. The ESC endorsed a new charter which recognises the IDLG as the new Chair of the ESC. The meeting also endorsed revissions of the 3 existing policy notes. There was also disscusion of two new papers: PRT best Practices and Police training.
As of 09 November – The date and time of the next working group has not been confirmed yet.
The Next PRT Working Group will be at 1500 hrs on Wednesday 15 October
Proposed Agenda:
1. Report on PRT Questionnaire
2. Revision of Charter
3. Recommendations on authority of policy notes
4. New policy notes
5. AOB
Location – no chage
To All PRT representatives and people who have experience of working with PRTs or along side them:
PRT Questionaire
– Through Presidential Decree, the Afghan President has recently appointed the Independent Directorate for Local Governance as the lead government institution for PRT-related issues.
– Against the backdrop of this decision and the recent approval of the Afghan National Development Strategy (ANDS), work is underway to revitalize the PRT Executive Steering Committee (ESC), which provides policy advice to all PRTs. Two preparatory meetings of the PRT Working Group have already been convened in this respect.
– Given the importance to ensure adequate participation by individual PRTs in this process, the IDLG and UNAMA with support from ISAF and the Office of the NATO Senior Civilian Representative have drafted the attached questionnaire to better evaluate the impact of the three existing PRT Policy Notes[1] on PRT operating procedures. These Policy Notes are attached.
PRT Working group 17th September
The next PRT Working Group will be held on 17th September. Representatives from PRT Contributing Nations, potential PRT Contributing Nations, Donors, United Nations and Official Representatives of Departments of the Government of Afghanistan named in the Presidential Decree 2641 are welcome to attend.
The detailed agenda will be confirmed nearer the time, but members of the Working Group are requested by IDLG, the Chair, to send their suggested changes to the Charter of the PRT Working Group and Executive Steering Committee to the Secretariat by 14 September. You are also asked to look at the 3 PRT policy notes and suggest possible changes based on your PRTs experience of using them in the field (or not using them). All these documents can be downloaded in word format by clicking the links to the right of this page.
The Chair of the Working Group also asks members to look at the ISAF PRT review document that each contributing nation has received recently and come to the next meeting prepared to discus this document.